The theme of my dreams was once again revolving around high school, and high school activities. The first I can recall involved me returning to high school, to get my diploma because, apparently. I flunked phys. ed. (I actually did well in P.E., because I participated and junk.) Other people who graduated with me were there, and they were certainly having more problems than me, as many of them had also failed Health Education. How is beyond me, but, anyway, my high school gym teacher Mr. Gaddis, had not come in yet. It appeared late in the school year, and when Mr. Gaddis arrived, same as he was eight years ago, he said to me that I was lucky because he wouldn't have time to do Health, but I could make up P.E. no problem. So I sat in on a class, that wasn't at all P.E. like. It was in desks, and apparently, in a hall way. The dream rapidly shifted tone, and there was some sort of race relation issue going down. I'm not entirely sure on what was going on, but it seemed that some people of color were organizing and protesting, and I, being the person that I am, joined them, as did several other Caucasian people in the class. The details of the problem elude me, and it didn't seem to be an issue with the school, the students, or the class or faculty. At some point also, I had my head combed with one of those nit combs, and it produced a full comb of large, bloated, multicolored mating pairs of fleas... not lice, fleas. Red and white were the primary colors of these fleas, but there were some black ones and some brown ones as well. At this point, I decided it was going to be easier to just shave my head (an act which I have considered doing lately, sans the flea infestation). In reality, humans aren't particularly good hosts for fleas, but dream logic doesn't care. I recall little else from that dream except that I began watching or playing some sort of horror movie or game that involved a Predator from the film series of the same name.
The second dream I can recall involved two of my close friends from high school, one of whom is still my close the friend, and the other who was killed in a car accident our sophomore year. I was with the first of the two, Brent, in Chicago, doing something I'm not clear on the details. Later, he was working at a McDonald's and I was helping him (in high school, he really did work at Mickey D's), then we were driving on south, and we came to a gas station that was very similar to one in the town I grew up in, after going down a stretch of road that was very similar to a town that was nearby. A major difference, however, was that there were a lot of strip malls and the like around, which was not at all like those little, rural towns in southern Illinois. However, it was in one of these little strip malls that I ran into my other friend, Jimmy. Somehow, a conversation regarding the secret service happened, and he told me that there was a secret service headquarters in Dearborn, Michigan. And I said yeah, there's only one in every state, and you won't find them in Detroit (ha-ha!) or Lansing, because they want to remain... secret. All of the problems with this are entirely obvious to me in the waking world, but again, dream logic.
The conversation then shifted to a device he was building in Minecraft, as part of a particularly famous server of let's players, that he was evidently on. He was building a mock up in real life out of Lego bricks. I thought this was incredibly cool. He showed me what he had done, and explained what he planned to do, and where he was having trouble. I, as well-acquainted as I was with the group he associated with, gave him advice on who to seek advice from, erudite wisdom of the highest measure. It never occurred to me in the dream, that he, being a member of this server, was far more qualified than I to judge who he should or should not solicit the help of, based not solely on skills, but scheduling, projects, other obligations they might have, etc. In short, in my dreams, I am apparently, a pompous ass.
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