For the past few days, I've been writing 1,000ish words a day in a two-hour period. This is how a person gets better at writing: by writing. I need to produce content, and I need to produce a lot. I've got to Ray Bradbury it up over here. And that takes its toll, creatively. Given that writing is not my only creative task during the day, I need to be more organized about my writing. Large qriting projects require planning, and... well, I've failed at that.
This story I'm writing, for instance, is a very large project indeed. I cannot simply improvise. In fact, I have an overall outline of many major points. The problem with it is, I've been working on it for so long, that I've made so many little tweaks to the story in my head, that the outline I made years ago no longer really fits the story. It's an outline to a different story.
So, that's how I think I'm going to spend today's writing time. Making an overall outline, and starting to fill in the details, so I can get back on track tomorrow. I don't know how much content I will put out until I get it done, but I will certainly try to keep a steady flow.
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